Today I Learned...

  • Mutual funds provide a reliable avenue for generating regular income throughout one's retirement through diversification and professional management. 
  • Creating a personalized investment plan ensures your needs are met while protecting and growing your savings. 
  • Getting advice from a knowledgeable advisor can help you find a plan that fits your specific circumstances, balancing your responsibilities and dreams.

n the ever-evolving landscape of professional life, the notion of a single, lifelong career has become a relic of the past. As one of my senior colleagues in the world of banking once wisely conveyed, most of us will have not one but at least two, if not three, careers throughout our lifetime. Post our initial primary career; the income stream may, more often than not, reduce and/or become an unsteady stream.  However, here is where we start using the opportunity to invest in two of life's most precious assets: time and money. What one does with time during this phase is a topic for another time; however, to allow for maximizing the return from time, one needs to optimize the returns from money. This is where the challenge of retirement income could arise, and mutual funds as an asset class can play a crucial role in overcoming it. 

During retirement, one faces the issue of generating a steady income stream to sustain a  desired lifestyle without the regular paycheck that one is accustomed to during the active working years. Traditional investment options like fixed deposits and savings accounts often fall short of providing sufficient returns to meet the rising cost of living. This is where the need for alternative investment vehicles, such as mutual funds, becomes apparent.

Role of Mutual Funds in Retirement Income

Mutual funds offer the potential for higher returns and capital appreciation compared to traditional savings and fixed returns options. By investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other assets, older adults can benefit from the expertise of professional fund managers who make investment decisions backed by research and years of experience in the markets as a full-time job. This allows them to tap into the growth potential of different asset classes and potentially generate a higher income stream.

One of the primary advantages of mutual funds for retirees is the ability to tailor their investment strategy to their specific needs and risk tolerance. Other several advantages are:

  • Potential for higher returns: Mutual funds can deliver higher returns than traditional fixed-income instruments. With a carefully chosen portfolio of securities, mutual funds can generate capital appreciation and regular dividend income.
  • Diversification: By spreading their investments across various funds, one can reduce the impact of any single investment's performance on their overall portfolio. This diversification can help mitigate risk and potentially enhance long-term returns.
  • Professional management: Mutual funds are managed by experienced professionals with in-depth knowledge and expertise in financial markets. They continuously monitor the portfolio, make informed investment decisions, and adjust the asset allocation based on market conditions.
  • Liquidity: Mutual funds offer liquidity, allowing investors to redeem their investments partially or fully as per their requirements. This flexibility is particularly useful during retirement when unexpected expenses may arise.

Types of Mutual Funds Suitable for Retirement Income

When it comes to planning investments, having a diversified portfolio is crucial. One way to achieve this is by including different types of schemes and funds in your plan. Including a mix of these types of schemes  in your portfolio can provide diversification and potential for higher returns - 

Government Securities / Bonds:

  • Safer credit risk than regular bond or income funds, as a large part of the scheme is invested in Govt of India (GoI) Securities. 
  • Steady interest income to the scheme, thereby to investors, since the underlying GoI Securities carry fixed coupon/interest rates payable periodically - typically semi-annually.  
  • Some of these schemes carry long-duration Bonds in their portfolio, and the value of these Securities / Bonds will rise, especially should one get into the scheme when interest rates are high. This rise in value reflects in a higher NAV and the potential for capital appreciation when interest rates start the down cycle. As the interest rate rises, the value of a bond falls, and vice versa. 

Balanced Funds: 

  • As the name suggests, they carry a balanced mix of both equity and debt.
  • The equity component allows capital appreciation with the underlying company stock price rising. 
  • The debt component gives a component of interest income to the scheme.
  • Are tax efficient, as it is taxed as an equity scheme. [to double check] 

Gold ETF

  • Invests in gold bullion.
  • Provide stable returns and act as a risk management tool.

Income Distribution Strategies

When it comes to managing retirement income from mutual funds, various strategies can be employed:

  • Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP): SWP allows investors to withdraw a fixed amount at regular intervals from their mutual fund investments. This provides a steady stream of income while keeping the remaining corpus invested.
  • Dividend option: Some mutual funds offer dividend options, where investors receive regular dividend payouts. This can be a suitable option for those looking for periodic income.
  • Systematic Transfer Plan (STP): STP allows investors to transfer a fixed amount from one mutual fund scheme to another regularly. This can be useful for investors who want to gradually shift their investments from equity-oriented funds to debt-oriented funds as they approach retirement.

Effectively managing risk during investments is essential for ensuring the longevity of your income. A diversified portfolio with an appropriate mix of equity and debt instruments can mitigate risk. Make sure also to review your mutual fund performance and make necessary adjustments to align your portfolio with financial goals and risk tolerance. In addition to your investments, maintain a separate emergency fund that provides a financial buffer for unexpected expenses or market downturns. These strategies fortify income sustainability and offer peace of mind during investment planning.

Hence, with thoughtful planning and the right investment approach, mutual funds can be a viable option to help older adult retirees continue living their best lives. With their potential for yielding higher returns, providing diversification, and offering the expertise of professional managers, mutual funds present an attractive option for generating a steady income. 

This article is brought to you by Nippon India Mutual Fund and is written by Ashwini Kapila at GetSetUp. Onto his second career, after being a banker who served in the financial services sector for over 28 years.

April 3, 2024