Today I Learned...

  • Travel can become a cherished tradition, enriching family bonds and creating lifelong memories.
  • The importance of meticulous planning and preparation in ensuring a smooth travel experience.
  • Solo travel offers unique opportunities for growth, empowerment, and cultural immersion.

elcome to our special Women's Day series, "Women Travelers on the Move," where we celebrate the incredible journeys of women from the GetSetUp community, embracing adventure, growth, and learning at every stage of life. Our journey today leads us to the story of Sana who has woven the fabric of her life with threads of adventurous travels and heartwarming experiences.

Born and raised in Delhi, she grew up in a family where travel was not just a vacation but a way of life. 

"Travel was an important part of life with a love for travel in the family," she recounts, detailing her early experiences traveling across North India, from the serene valleys of Kashmir to the vibrant streets of Rajasthan. Born and raised in Delhi, Sana grew up into a family where travel was a tradition rather than a choice, she grew up understanding the value of exploration and the depth it adds to our lives. Her story is not just about the places she's visited but the love and connections she's forged along the way. Her journey reminds us of the joy and fulfillment that comes from exploring new places and cultures.

One of her most memorable trips after turning 50 was a family trip to Rajasthan, which stands out for its emotional depth and the bond it strengthened within her family. “When I got married in '87, our family became my world, and with young kids, we mostly avoided travel. Time flew by, and before I realized it, I had turned 50. 🙏 With three of our children eager for a holiday adventure, we traveled to Rajasthan as a family. We thoroughly enjoyed Jaipur, Sikar, and finally reached Ajmer Sharif. The experience with our kids and visiting the pious Shrine was remarkably great. We had a lovely time, and the visit to Khwaja Sahib's Dargah Sharif was heart-warming.” This journey wasn't just about the places they visited but about the moments they shared and the memories they created as a family.

Travel often teaches us invaluable lessons, sometimes learned the hard way. She shared a crucial piece of advice: always confirm your travel reservations. A mix-up during a trip back from Kolkata taught her the importance of confirmation, turning an expected comfortable journey into a challenging ordeal. For those contemplating solo travel, she offers practical advice drawn from her own experiences of having traveled alone primarily as a student between Delhi and Mumbai, suggesting, "My advice to women solo travelers is mostly to use flights, as I experienced a nightmare on a train.”  Her stories of hospitality and cultural connections, from the warm dhabas of Rajasthan to the sacred sites of Ajmer Sharif, highlight the enriching experiences that travel can offer. To all the spirited women in our community,, she emphasizes the rejuvenating power of travel. “Whether it's the serene beauty of Nepal, the majestic mountains, or the joy of discovering new cuisines and cultures, travel is a pathway to rejuvenation and joy. It's an invitation to embrace our instincts, pursue our passions, and explore the world with an open heart.” 

Sana’s journey is a reminder of the beauty of nature, the thrill of discovery, and the joy of experiencing new cultures and cuisines. As we celebrate stories like hers and other women in our community who boldly embrace new adventures and learning opportunities, let's encourage more active aging women to discover the world around them. Travel not only broadens our horizons but also promotes mental health, physical activity, and social connections.

Want to join our community of adventurous souls and active agers passionate about travel? Just send us a ‘HI’ on WhatsApp. For more travel stories that will inspire your next adventure and connect you with like-minded travelers eager to explore the globe, download the GetSetUp App today.

March 8, 2024