Today I Learned...

  • The seminar showcased the work of individuals like  Dr. Indrani C. and institutions such as the CMIG, emphasizing the importance of lifelong learning and active ageing.
  • Highlighted efforts by Ministry of Social Justice  by the government to support the ageing population point to a growing recognition of the need for awareness and programs that empower older adults.
  • The event called for reimagining ageing as a positive and dynamic phase of life, encouraging collective action to support and empower the elderly community.

n the midst of a movement focused on changing how we view ageing, the Calcutta Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology (CMIG) recently held an event, the Regional Seminar themed "Emergence of Dynamic Ageing in the 21st Century: An Integral Movement Towards The Final Frontier" in Kolkatta on 14th and 15th March. This two-day gathering offered a deep dive into the evolving narrative on  ageing, attracting diverse speakers and participants passionate about shaping the future of elder care. With their unique perspective, each speaker enriched the discourse that spanned the Psycho-Social Paradigm of Ageing, the Marvels of Medical Science, and the burgeoning role of Technology and Innovation, highlighted by presentations on essential government efforts to support the ageing population. The theme resonated with our shared ethos at GetSetUp, where we believe in empowering and uplifting the lives of active agers through continuous learning and connection.

"Though the concept of Lifelong learning is fairly established, it is gaining more importance today, as our aging population is growing. When you look at it from the perspective of U3A - university of the third age - you understand the importance of healthy aging with an active and engaged mindset. Over the past decade, at the Calcutta Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology (CMIG), we have dedicated ourselves to this mission. It brings me immense joy to witness this concept gaining recognition, especially through platforms like GetSetUp, which empower older adults with education and skills. We are delighted to partner with them, advocating lifelong learning as a cornerstone of dignified and joyful aging" - Dr. Indrani C, founder, CMIG

Lifelong Learning

It was an honor to present GetSetUp's platform to the audience and talk about Lifelong Learning, showcasing our commitment to creating opportunities for active agers to learn, connect, and thrive. We highlighted our efforts in promoting social interactions through group classes, in-person events, travel and discussions, financial well-being through courses on personal finance, and health through fitness and wellness programs. These initiatives align with the event's emphasis on technology and innovation as catalysts for active ageing & Lifelong Learning. As we anticipate a future where over 20% of India's population will be older adults by 2050, the importance of continuous learning as a pillar of active ageing cannot be overstated. Lifelong learning is more than acquiring new knowledge; it's about building community, combating isolation, and fostering peer connectivity. It's a key to staying active and engaged at any age. 

Ageing and Marvels of Science

The seminar opened up a lot of discussions, highlighting the multifaceted aspects of ageing. Topics ranged from "Ageing in Place" to pioneering medical interventions, each segment contributing to a richer understanding of the ageing process and its opportunities. One of the highlights was learning about the incredible work of Dr. Indrani C. in the realm of Lifelong Learning. Her three decades of advocacy underscore the profound impact of continued education in fostering a society that cherishes and supports its older members. Discussions on the Psycho-Social Paradigm of Ageing shed light on the importance of addressing older adults' mental and emotional well-being and recognizing the deep-seated need for social connectivity and psychological support. The Marvels of Medical Science segment offered a glimpse into the breakthroughs revolutionizing geriatric care, reaffirming the promise of healthier, more resilient futures for the ageing population.

Government Initiatives

The collaboration between the Ministry of Social Justice and CMIG in developing curricula centered around lifelong learning, active ageing, and caregiver training was particularly inspiring. It reflects a societal commitment to caring for older adults and empowering them to lead fulfilling, autonomous lives, ensuring they have the resources and opportunities to thrive. 

The CMIG Regional Seminar has set the stage for an exciting future where ageing is celebrated as an integral, empowering, and enriching part of life's journey. Reflecting on the seminar, it's clear that transforming the ageing experience needs our joint efforts. Working together can create a better future for older adults, ensuring everyone is appreciated, supported, and encouraged to grow at any age.

Article written by Ashwini Kapila, at GetSetUp. Onto his second career, after being a banker who served in the financial services sector for over 28 years. If you are interested in partnering or learning more about our upskilling opportunities for older adults with GetSetUp, drop an email at Our interactive learning and socializing ecosystem empowers partners to engage their current members with a digital-first platform.

March 18, 2024